These gigs allow you to start earning legit online income immediately. Letting you focus on your dreams by giving you the flexibility to work from anywhere, anytime.

There are no scams, no investments, no multilevel marketing or random survey taking opportunities.

Over 50+ legit online paying gigs.

Just legit hourly and project specific income opportunities.


Hi, I’m Theron LaFountain

Five years ago I had a dream to be able to work for myself and travel the world. To become the true "digital nomad". But, I also needed to pay my bills; thus, I began the journey to create my ultimate "Survival Gig". In this class I will share all the lessons that I have learned along the way.

My goal is to empower as many people as possible, giving them the knowledge to create their own "Survival Gig" and follow their dreams (whatever they may be).

Carpe Diem ...

Theron LaFountain

"Now I work from home, on my terms. My "Ultimate Survival Gig" has given me the freedom to live out my passions. I no longer have to choose between supporting my family and living the life I always dreamed of."

- Jessica Schnider

Why Take The Class!?!?

A quick video explaining why to take the class.

What is in the "Ultimate Survival Gig" Class?

This video covers what is in the class, who is it for and what to expect.